Tip 1: Restart MacBook
Tip 2: Make sure the MacBook is on the latest OS security version
- Click on the Apple in the upper left-hand corner and select About this Mac. Take note of the OS version
- Check for any OS update to your current version by opening System Preferences of System Settings (found under the Apple icon)
- Select Software Update, if there is an update to the current OS it is suggested you update
NOTE: Before updating the OS make sure all your documents/files are backed up to an external hard drive, flash drive, or cloud storage such as iCloud or Google Drive
Tip 3: If MacBook is connected to wireless make sure MCwireless is connected and not the guest Wi-Fi
Tip 4: Are you getting a "hold for authentication"?
- Select the refresh arrow
- If the authentication window appears make sure to type in your full Moravian NetID username with the in the username field.
- When you type in the password select "show password" to make sure it was typed in correctly.
Tip 5: If the system is not authenticating with your username and password
Open System Preferences, select Printers & Scanners
- Select the printer you are printing on the left-hand side
- Select Open Print Queue
- Delete any jobs in the queue
- Reboot the MacBook and try to print again
Tip 6: Re-add printers
Open System Preferences, select Printers & Scanners
- Delete the print job/s from the queue, so the printer queue is completely empty.
- Delete all printers from the list
- Open Spotlight and search for the 'Keychain Access' app and open it
- Select ‘login’ on the left-hand side, search for any printers and delete the entry associated with it (this will delete any bad password that may have been saved with the entry). It should be findable by looking for the printer name (ex. CASLON-XXXXXX).
- Restart the MacBook
- Open System Preferences, select Printers & Scanners
- Add the printer(s) and try to print again. The printer should prompt for authentication since there are no saved credentials for it.
- Authenticate to the printer use your FULL NetID (username is full email address including the, and your netID password)
- Check the box to save the credentials
- Print your print job
If printing is still not working please schedule an appointment to visit us at the IT Help Desk.